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Amye's Bio

I just wanted to say thank you for hosting the swing events. They are always the best part of my week. Before finding your [dances], I felt like there was nothing in Orlando that kept me here but finding this group of awesome people has changed my mind. I hope that your success continues...thank you again for giving me and everyone else something to look forward to every other week!

"[Amye's class] was fun! My boyfriend's never taken a dance class with me so this was the first time we got to do a lesson together."


“Amye is a skilled, patient instructor that will work with you wherever you are at in dancing, whether you are brand new or a seasoned hoofer. Her guidance was easy to understand and I learned a great deal! Next time I’m on the floor, I’ll be far more sure of myself due to her teaching. Thank you Amye!” - Nick

I have been dancing vintage-style swing dances for eight years and I specialize in Charleston, Vernacular Jazz and Swing Dancing, including Shag, Balboa and Lindy Hop. My mission is simple: to bring joy and freedom to others through my dancing and by inspiring others to be themselves through dance.


Please see the videos below for samples of my dancing.

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